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Monday, 23 February 2015

Quote #23

"Love is a disease no one
wants to get rid of.
Those who catch it
never try to get better,
and those who suffer
do not wish to be

By Paulo Coelho

My self made quote #22

"Sometimes we have to
change not because its
needed because its the
only way left"

By Satyam Gupta

Monday, 9 February 2015

My self made quote #21

"Every day is a new day ...
Only thing constant and
is the sunrise"

By Satyam gupta

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

My self made quote #20

"I don't want you to
Judge me. 
I just want you to
Trust me."

By Satyam Gupta

My self made quote #19

"Dont force things to happen
coz somethings
are meant
to let GO"

By Satyam Gupta